Drain Cleaner and Deodorizer
Air Conditioner Condensate Water Fountain and Dehumidifier
SLIME BUSTER is a biodegradable non-hazardous, non-corrosive, non-flammable product that eliminates the clog before it begins. It contains no ozone depleting chemicals and is non-toxic.
Air conditioner drain pan lines, water fountain drains, and refrigeration and humidification systems all become clogged with slime and sum over time, thereby interfering with proper water drainage. Biocides, algaecides, caustics, acids and chlorine’s contain hazardous ingredients and do not work effectively. Also they can cause corrosion to equipment and injury to the user.
Slime Buster
Regular use of SLIME BUSTER saves maintenance repairs. It is efficient, economical and safe to use. Using 8 oz. of SLIME BUSTER every 30 days will maintain a free flowing drain and eliminate unpleasant odors.
Water Fountains: Pour 4 oz. of SLIME BUSTER directly into fountain drain. Repeat procedure monthly to keep the drain free flowing and deodorized.